Friday, March 26, 2010

Are they worth my tears???

Woke up this morning and so looking forward to finish up my craftroom. The cubies are starting to fill up. A whole bunch of scarpbook and stamping items are ready to be stored in the garage. Yeah, you're right, I'm running out of space in my room. Since this morning, I spent the whole time unwrapping my papers and checking my inventory. When I got done, I just realized I'm missing alot of my paper collection. The vintage ones, my MAMBI kits, my Autumn Leaves kits, my stacks of DCWV and who knows else I'm missing. I cannot take it anymore, I just burst out and started crying. I've already lost 3/4 of my Close To My Heart stamp collection and now this. Our shipment has a "FULL PRICE REPLACEMENT" notation but still it doesn't change the fact that I won't be able to replace them anymore. With all the stuff that's gone, I can't help but cry.


  1. That's sad news Claire. But don't cry. God is good and I believe, you can find stores selling the things you have lost.

    Btw, your template is soooo cute! So I'm checking out Leelou's blog now to find one for me too. hehehe. ^_^

  2. Ouch! My heart bleeds :( Where in the world would those items be? It's just driving me crazy when you loose something like that :( It's not a joke after investing a lot then it will just vanish!!!!!!!

  3. That is sad- I'm sure if I was the one, I'd cry too! But then I'd think of more precious things I have, and ESPECIALLY family, that they're not lost, and then I'd be OK!

  4. Thank Ails.
    Noticed you've changed your template too and use Leelou. She really got some pretty layout. I changed mine again today Hehehehe. How I wished we could use them with out multiply account.

    The things I've lost, most of them were retired. So unless I'm willing to pay alot, I don't intend to replace them.

  5. Jerosha dear happy are those who found my stamps and paper kits. May they be blessed with creative mind and hands to make pretty stuff out of it.
    In life, you win some and you lose some, right!? I'm not thinking of this anymore. Yeah God blessed me with something more important than these goodies and that is the three crazy people in my life.

  6. Hi there,
    Thanks for dropping by. You're right, I should think more of the beautiful things in my life like my God, my family, friends amd some nutty people along side.
    Take care. BTW, love Papemelroti...


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