Wednesday, November 24, 2010

So Grateful....

I was so touched when I received the Stylish Blog Award from two wonderful crafty friends, Tammy and Amy.  I am so honored.  I would also like to take this opportunity to thank y'all for visiting my blog and leaving sweet and inspiring comments.  It is your visit and your comment that inspire me to create...  I am grateful for you all...
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this
2. Share 8 things about yourself
3. Pay it forward to 8 bloggers that you have recently discovered
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards

8 Things I am sharing about myself:

1. I have OCD and I am raising two nuclear powered kids who has it too...
2. I'm a compulsive and impulsive buyer.  Shopping calms me down...  There was a time in life that I would shop with a friend practically every night.  Bad, huh!?
3. I have the worst bug virus. 1 Cricut Personal Machine, 1 Cricut Create Machine, 2 Cricut Expression Machine, 1 Cricut Imagine and 1 Gypsy.  They really eats up so much space in my craft room but I love those machines.
4. A copycat can ruin my day.  To some, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but for me it is the lowest form of robbery. 
5. My DH is Polish/Irish descendant.  He told me so many things about his roots that it became a dream for us to one day be able to visit Poland and Ireland.  Who would have thought that it's going to happen soon?  But for now, I'll be counting the days until we boarded the plane.
6. I don't eat beef.
7. I love to wear shorts, tank top and flipflops on winter cold days and it drives my DH crazy.  Don't worry, I really don't get sick even if I wear those.  What can I say, I love cold weather days...
8.  I don't drive and that keeps me from going out to shop.

Now, here are the 8 bloggers, whom I want to pass the awards.  These ladies are so creative and talented.  Their creations are great and very inspiring...  Check them out:

1. Joan Switalski
2. Erika aka CricutLove
3. Kim H
4. Amber
5. 4kids4
6. Tami
7. CA Scrapper
8. Jerosha Aretun

Thanks again for the award ladies.  Happy Thanksgiving to all and Happy Shopping too!
Hugs to all!


  1. Hi Claire, thanks so much for the Stylish Blogger award!! I'm thrilled that you enjoy my blog...and I'm thankful for the many friends I've made in this 'blogging world'!!

    I plan on posting the award on my blog after much to do, so little time!! I hope you enjoy the holiday with your family!

    Thanks again,
    Sharon C.

  2. Thank you so much for thinking of me :)

    I think many of us understand the bug virus issue. *LOL*

    It's very brave of you to be so open and honest about some of your struggles.

    All the best!


Thank you checking me out and for leaving me such lovely comments...