Friday, April 1, 2011

NCM and Birthday Giveaway winners

Here's to announce the three lucky ladies who will receive the yummy goodies.  Please email me ASAP your address.  My friend Lia is kind enough to give me a ride to PO tomorrow so please provide address ASAP. 

1.) First Winner for National Craft Month Challenge - Kim H (Entry #75)
2.) Second Winner for National Craft Month Challenge - Melissa (Entry 237)
3.) Birthday Giveaway - Sharon C (4kids4)

Congratulation ladies...  

Please be sure to email me your address within 24hours or I will be drawing another winner.

Thank you all who participated in the National Craft Month challenge.  Without you Creative ladies, it won't be too successful and a big hit.  Again, thank you so much.  I hope to see you all again in celebration of National Scrapbooking Day next month.

Take care!  Until then....


  1. Claire,
    I am so super excited! Thank You! You know how much I enjoy ALL of your creations! You are just incredibly talented, sweet and kind! I loved this whole concept! Joan is another sweet person too! I just wanted to Thank You both for allowing us all this fun opportunity! Hope to see you both next month for National Scrapbook ~ maybe I will get even more pages done!
    Thanks Again

  2. OMGoodness! So excited! I just tried ordering this cartridge at Oh My Crafts the other day because they were having a big sale, but it has been out of stock! Thank you soooo much! Your monthly linking party was SO MUCH FUN and I cannot wait to participate in your future challenges!

    Off to email you right now! I so badly want to share this exciting news on my blog, but I'm in a hop this weekend so it will have to wait til Monday! Thanks so much again!


  3. Okay...I'm not sure how I'm missing it, but I can't seem to find your email anywhere on your post or blog. Please email me so I can give you my mailing address. melissaallore at hotmail dot com

    I also forgot to congratulate the other winners!!! Congratulations ladies! Wahooo for us Sharon!

  4. Woo-Hoo!!! Congratulations Claire on making your 250 followers and the lucky winners of your fab prizes! :)

  5. Congratulations Kim, Melissa and Sharon with winning these awesome prizes here. It has been such a wonderful pleasure to follow all the amazing creations, that has been shown here this month. I really appologize to everyone, that I didn´t make it to comment on everyones amazing work shared here, but I can promisse, I´ve been watching them all here the last days, and it´s been wonderful to see soo many amazing ideas shared here, but as many knows, I haven´t been quite on top here lately after a big surgery. Thanks so much for sharing all your beautiful work with all of us, and a HUGE thanks to you Claire for arranging this event here again together with Joan. It has been so much to join, and hopefully I´ll be able to be join fully again in all the fun next year.
    Thanks soo much for all the great work everyone and have a wonderful week-end.

  6. Congratulations to Melissa and Kim...enjoy your WONDERFUL goodies!

    Claire, thanks again! Your birthday blog candy is're so generous! The stamp is super cute and the Gypsy pack will definitely come in handy. I don't have the Rock Princess cartridge because I haven't been willing to pay for it on eBay! LOL My daughter is thrilled about the cartridge...she draws hearts with wings all the time!! And she's only 7!

    You know I'll be back, hopefully to join in your May challenge. But until then I'll be drooling over your incredible creations!! :-)

    Hugs from Sharon

  7. congratulations ladies............ you are so lucky..

  8. Congrats to the winners!
    Claire, I have a Blog Award for you.:D You can claim it over at my blog.

    Have a great day!
    Wendy, aka Roo


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